
Fall 2024
Dear Friends, I hope the season finds you well. My thoughts are with many of my friends in the southeast coping with the hurricane and its aftermath. I have deep connections with the people and places of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee and my heart breaks for the disaster there. If you’ve been meaning

Winter 2024
Hi friends I hope this finds you well. We’re looking towards spring and just got the second decent dump of snow this year. My bees were out the day before, scrounging among the few snowdrops that have blossomed. They take a “cleansing flight” on days when it gets warm enough to venture out of the

Holiday Newsletter 2023
Dear friends, I hope the season finds you well. Debbie and I are pretending the weather has turned cold – we’ve got the tree, holiday decorations are up, and we’re looking forward to seeing neighbors at the parties that are coming up. We do this while we still search for deer ticks after hikes in

Summer 2023
Hello friends, I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy. We’re fine here, finally in the swing of summer and looking forward to being outside a lot in the next six weeks, with hiking in New Hampshire, hanging out with friends at a cabin in northern Vermont, and then some biking in the townships

Holiday Newsletter 2022
Dear friends, I hope the season finds you well. It’s sixty degrees and December in New England. Is this the new normal? The angle of the sun coming into the window doesn’t match the weather and I feel dislocated. The forsythia outside my window has leaves on it. You have to appreciate the forsythia’s effort–I

Fall 2022
Friends, We’ve got a Norway maple at the edge of our backyard. It seems there’s one day in October when the color of it goes from green to a brilliant orange. That’s what happened yesterday. There are twenty-five grackles ransacking the bird feeder. Stink bugs are invading the house. Must be fall. In this issue:
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